Friday 16 March 2007


Tomorrow I will go to a meditation center for a week of silence. The place is called Wat Phra Doi Suthep and it offers different courses. The longest one is 21 days and there are lots of guidelines to follow; no reading, no writing, no listening to music, no e-email and no telephone. You are not even allowed to speak. It goes without saying that I will be away in another world and I will not be able to comunicate with you during my stay. I will keep you up-dated once I am back. Have a nice week. Peter


Anonymous said...

Hallo Herr Fischer,

haben Ihren Reiseverlauf bisher mit grossem Interesse verfolgt und finden Ihre Schilderungen und Fotos wirklich grossartig!

Geniessen Sie Ihre Woche der Ruhe und inneren Einkehr.

Werden auch weiter am Ball bleiben....

Alles Gute von den vier Plückhähnen

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter,
wünsche Dir auch eine gute Woche und grüsse Dich nach einem schönen Wochenende in München. Hier schneit es jetzt wieder - auch wenn keiner diesen Schnee bestellt haben will...

Alles Liebe

Traci said...

Hi Peter!

Remember me? We met after the monk chat, and then I randomly saw you all over Chiang Mai. My name is Traci...I'm the one that lives in Los Angeles. I just rediscovered your blog address. Can you believe it? How was your silent meditation? What are you up to these days? I remember that you had just left a job that you had in the fashion industry. Hope that you are happy & well! If you'd like to stay in touch, my email is All the best, Traci